What is Opiate Addiction
Opiate Addiction is a taboo topic these days but open a newspaper or turn on the TV and you will be lucky to go one day without seeing it's grip on America. For the most part opiate addiction is not a topic most want to indulge in but it is one that needs to be placed on the front burner. More and more children in their teens are starting to experiment with mom and dads pills in the medicine cabinet which a lot of times just happens to be percocet or vicodin. The average person that is not familiar with opiate or drug addiction wouldn't think twice about not finishing a script for pain pills once they no longer needed them and would just toss them in the medicine cabinet or the back of the closet or drawer and not give it a second thought.
On the other hand, a drug addict has the mentality that when they go to a friend or family members house for a visit the first thing on their mind is to want to rummage through the bathroom and bedroom or whatever area might be known for keeping prescription medicines. From wake till sleep the only thing on the mind is to get that next fix to keep them from being ill or from going into withdrawal. Most people don't even notice their pills missing. This plague has grown rapidly and is exposing more people to its sickness by the day. Children go to their friends house who may have a family member or friend with a opiate addiction and they are exposed to the habits of these individuals and their minds are at the age where everything is being soaked up like a sponge so they become inquisitive. They may look up to that person or think they are cool so they want to immolate them so they see this person crushing and sniffing a pill and the affect it has on them so when they are home and they come across pills in the bathroom medicine cabinet, they want to try it for themselves. This is just one of the many starts to the long road of opiate addiction but there are many different paths.
Many are average everyday people that suffered from an accident and had to be put on pain meds for a time and once it was time to stop, they were not able to quit because the addiction had crept up on them. Now they are forced to buy the pills off the street which can cost anywhere from 5 to 80 dollars per pill. After the addiction progresses, they are no longer able to sustain the cost of the habit and the only alternative to many is heroin which is almost chemically identical to what they were on but costing much much less while giving a stronger high. Many who find themselves addicted have underlying depression or mental health issues and the feeling they get from this high makes them forget about their problems and feel more outgoing and happy which makes it even harder to quit. The disease progresses rapidly and eventually they isolate themselves from family and friends, stop taking care of their health and hygiene, steal and lie to their significant others and their quality of life suffers dramatically.
Many women and even some men find themselves doing sexual acts for money to support their habit.
Some sell enough of the drug to keep their habit paid for. Many of these people are good people who never broke a law and now from the outside looking in, they will be judged as scum and as a drug dealer preying on our society when nothing could be further from the truth. Most hate waking up each day to the hell of opiate addiction and hate the things they have to do to keep their habit fed. The average person doesn't realize the power of the addiction and the fear that lies beneath the surface of every addict. The fear of withdrawal. Opiate withdrawal is one of the hardest things to go through in life, next to child birth. You would not wish this on your worst enemy.
Place Yourselves In The Addicts Shoes
Imagine waking up and knowing you have no money but yet you haven't had any heroin for about 6 hours which normally after four to six hours is when the withdrawal sets in, depending on the habit and the quality of the heroin. You have to find some way to get up enough money to keep yourself an amount that will let you get high at least every 6 hours and preferably every 2 to 3 hours. Once 6 or more hours goes by, you wwill start to yawn and your eyes start to water. Your blood pressure elevates from 120/80 to upwards of sometimes extreme levels like 200+/115+. You have cold sweats and shaking. You cant keep your legs still and your lower back feels like someone is tearing your spine apart from your lower back. You become depressed and emotional. You have loose stools and start vomiting which the combination of the two cause you to become dehydrated. Do to your addiction and the physical changes it creates in the mind and body, you are no longer able to absorb some vitamins and nutrients so your body and immune system are weakened.
Most people are found to be vitamin deficient. Recent study's have actually linked sugar addiction and vitamin deficiency as one of the contributing factors of drug addiction and the pain experienced when detoxing from the drugs if not the main factor. Now until this person is able to obtain funds to grab the next fix, they will continue to regress and to deteriorate until they have struggled through the pain from anywhere from 4 days to 3 weeks depending on the type of opiate and the length of the addiction.
Treatment Options For Those Addicted To Opiates
The standard protocol for opiate withdrawal at one time was Methadone. This was the mainstream form of treatment from the 1960's up till current times but around 2005 a new drug came out called Suboxone. Both Methadone & Suboxone are synthetic opiates which means they are made in a lab and mirror opiates and their affects but are not true opiates. They work by binding to the same receptors as the opiates and they have a longer half life so you do not need to dose as often. The average dose is once per day for both of these drugs. Suboxone is taken under the tongue and it dissolves into the bloodstream. Methadone comes in both a liquid and pill form. Methadone can be taken immediately after using opiates when the withdrawal begins. Suboxone on the other hand has to be spaced out from the last time you ingested any opiates and the preferred time is 24 hours after last dose of opiates unless one was addicted to Methadone and needed to use Suboxone for the relief of withdrawals. In this case you would have to ideally wait seven days until you started taking Suboxone.
Many argue about this and say it can be taken while still on Methadone if the dose has gotten below 20mgs but this is false information and any doctor that tells a patient this should have their license suspended. Methadones half life mirrors Suboxones and withdrawal from either of these can sometimes not begin until 2 to 3 days after last dose. If you have been on Methadone for a long time, it has built up in your body and fat cells so it needs to be completely out of your system before you begin Suboxone or you will be thrown into immediate intense withdrawal which is way worse than normal withdrawal. I have seen people who were on Methadone for over 1 year stop taking it and wait 7 days to begin Suboxone and still be thrown into withdrawal. That is how powerful Methadone is and why going from heroin to Methadone is not a good fix unless you are doing it for anywhere from 5 to 30 days. Suboxone is now being found to be in the same boat although many advocates will preach otherwise.They are both very addictive and many never get their lives back from the two. I cant say these drugs are evil because they have helped many.
The ideal part of using these 2 is that it gives the person whom is addicted to opiates and uses them around the clock the ability to break the cycle of spending every waking hour and thought focused on getting high and finding more. It allows that person to regain normal daily structure and get their lives and family back together and to be able to work a normal job again. This is great for a limited time to give some space and time between the person and their old routine. Once the 30 day mark has been hit, it is best to taper down over a 3 week period to stop these meds and even then there will be some moderate withdrawal.
Alternative Treatments For Opiate Withdrawal
There are other alternatives to these to drugs and many are not approved by the FDA and have to be done illegally or in another country like Mexico or Canada. Two of these alternatives, Ibogaine and Kratom originate from the East and have found their way to the United States. Kratom is a leaf of a plant that has opiate type affects on the brain and binds to the same receptors as the opiates and can be used in a similar fashion as Methadone. It can be crushed and swallowed or made into a tea and drank. This can also become addictive and now many online vendors are offering potent strains for cheap prices.
Ibogaine is made from the Iboga tree or shrub and is derived from the roots and is turned into a HCL or white powder that is swallowed at least 12 hours after the last opiate dose. It induces visions and out of body experiences and to may is a spiritual awakening that brings retrospect and awareness to the mental issues that gave rise to the addiction and allows one to face the problems and issues which breaks the chains for many and frees the addiction. It is very expensive costing anywhere from 3 to 20 grand and after your first dose you will not sleep for at least 5 days and sometimes for up to 2 weeks.
It is very hard on the body and you need to keep your electrolytes up and have a sitter with you to assist you with mundane tasks such as walking to the bathroom. You are dizzy and see trails for much of the first week. Others use pain pills such as Tramadol to ween off the drugs which can work if done properly but still leaves one with mild withdrawal and can cause seizures if taken in to high a dose.
The latest fad is taking Imodium AD which is an anti diarrheal medicine. It is chemically similar to an opiate and binds to the opiate receptor giving relief. The problem with this is that it weakens the immune system and causes the bowels to become backed up which causes the toxins in the waste to not be able to be excreted from the intestines so they slowly reabsorb back into the bloodstream causing toxicity. This can cause serious health issues. The opiate addiction and withdrawal market is growing rapidly and many new products are hitting the market. Most are herbal supplements or vitamin and amino acid formulas which replenish the body with needed nutrition. Unfortunately most of these don't live up to their claims and those taking them find themselves very disappointed while taking them and do to the lack of performance will cause many to seek more drugs to alleviate the symptoms.
Their are also options such as acupuncture and hypnosis which have shown positive results but not complete alleviation. Some speculate that do doctor couldn't legally give you this secret to opiate withdrawal because it is all natural and is not a medicine so its not approved to treat any disease. Am I the only one that sees the corrupt grip on the lives and health of our great nation?
The Opiate Withdrawal Secret That Was Kept Secret For Over 30 Years
There is an E book that has been written that reveals a long lost secret to avoiding and stopping opiate and opioid withdrawal without needing addictive synthetic opioids that is all natural and low cost, dirt cheap in fact. Now with the latest Nov.17 round up of those breaking the laws by making unsubstantiated claims you and we all need to be prudent with our investigation of claims. This ebook reveals real information with real links to real sources and gives one the opportunity of choosing something other than synthetic opioids. Check it out here
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For your purchase you will also receive immediate access to hundreds of niche targeted E books that have full resell rights. This means you can price these books at whatever price you want, sell and keep 100% of the profit for yourself. As a 3rd bonus you will also get one free e book per week for life with resell rights. This is truly an unbelievable deal and not only that, we have worked with him to reduce the asking price from $69.99 to $19.95! When asked about why he was offering so much incentive for buying this life changing E book he said this, " I know how it is to battle & struggle with opiate addiction. I was addicted for over 15 years. This info changed my life and it has the power to change the face of Americas opiate addiction infrastructure. Take a look at the picture above and visualize yourself having the freedom to travel there without worrying about being addicted to drugs or in financial stress. Keep that image in your head anytime negativity starts to creep in. The only exception to the free E books is that the No More Opiate Withdrawal E book can not be resold or given away. It is strictly for private use for the buyer only. I do not want to jeopardize this opportunity that this package can bring to those suffering by letting this info get mainstreamed and watered down. I want this to be an exciting opportunity for a new lease on life by each person that is exposed to this offer so that they will for the first time in years have hope and excitement about getting clean and being able to be handed a free business with no strings attached." You can see how passionate he is about this E book and bonus material. So if you're still following me then go now and get this amazing info while you still can. Click here at
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